I can never say much ,as i'm always looking for cheap bag ect:Should bag ,handbag and only i found out blackballetina got what type of bag i like even though they doesn't have many much items but i believe they will bright up ur day if u visit they're website ,the owner all super duper cute ,friendly 101% friendly ^_^ Love them alots hahaha "B.L.A.C.K.B.A.L.L.E.T.I.N.A.W.E.B.S.I.T.E --->
http://www.blackballetina.com/ And the friendly owner are on twitter Jaime -
https://twitter.com/foxskinned Catch my taste that caught my eye on blackballetina :') And they're also very kind when ur items arrive they will give u a short email to notice u before they mail it out look how sweet they are ^_^
Sorry for the blur effect :X But u can see they are so kind to give me a short notice although they missed the collection date but they service are great ,i don't mind waiting abit longer ,i believe they won't let me wait up a month hahaha great service ,so Must support them |
Studded Bag <3 This the first buy that caught my eye *_* But after consideration i think i believe my taste the carmel PU bag scroll down ,see for my taste |
Look the pretty cute owner that i say pretty cute right ,tell you she is also a very sweet girl hahaha opss! Can't use girl she is lady liao heheheee :) |
My carmel PU bag <3 Nice right but actually if i'm rich i will get all the bag from her online blog liao hehehe |
Thanks for reading for! ☻♡ U guys