Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Thing i got from IMM ,all my needs are in here!

Well i'm back with more items than previously those post :) And i did saying that watsons have many promotion ,more than gurdian as what i knows i have not brought anything yet from gurdian reason you girl should know right~ blah... cause IT'S DOESN'T HAVE PROMOTION HOW TO BUY??!!? :( Okay let's see what i got today i think not over $60? hahahaha i don't know :X calculate for me uh ,.. O_*
ALL FROM WATSONS!! ISN'T WATSONS AWESOME?! ^_^ To me YES! They're awesome <3 i got the toothbrush for like $5.95 and it's the latest new type .. so i just brought it ,try cause normally i use systema <3 my whole family is the fans of SYSTEMA ,But this time i gonna try it if i use already good will let you'all know ,but i think there's won't be difference right? lolols~ BB CREAM! I finish using mine already so i got a new one same high spf 50 instead of spf 26 just a dollar diff ,i saved $2 ?!!? don;t believe right after discount is $15.90 USP $17.90 And remember must buy them from orignal maybelline don't like me nearly fooled by online blogshop saying $7 spf 26 bb cream but i checked with they're sale ,they say maybe is fake one lah ,u MUST remember u applying on your face leh!!! FACE!! NO PLAYING OKAY!! So buy the original better . and first time buying kate product as there's also promotion ...NAH!! Told u watsons gives me more discount ,if you have their watsons card u can also earn point while buying great isn't okay this is a kate face powder ,someone told me it's keep my skin smooth for very long hours don't know how long lah is a passerby as kate doesn't have promoters everytime i went to any watsons :( & i think it got only 1 shade colour :/ P.S i'm not so sure! do check it out if there's promoter ^_^ .And last not to forget this i got the most ever more discount $23.50 usp after discount $5 $5??!! yea is 5DOLLARS!!! So many right i think is only this face powder ,as u can drop by ask lah i thnk i'm so happy like hell man!! finally got a  powder  ,there's $5 discount hope the discount don't end so fast .... grab it faster before it's end ;)
Strawberry caramel corn ^_^ *_* <3 with some phone effect And my favo tamago! i think is some additonal thing to add in ur rice bah .. something like that ,sorry the photo is link together i can break it up :( sorry!!
And here my new stationery ..

Mirror ,a case , and my chio note book !! ^_^ more picture up next ...
Here my chio new notebook pretty right :) Don't stay here n jealous go grab yours now ~ from daiso cheap ,pretty
Inside of the note book and the book series is rose theme :) 100 pages so good ,cheap lor it's a great deal from daiso! *_*

My new casin with mirror inside cute leh!!^_^

TADANG..! This the inside look :D this the last colour too ,i saw it cute  so just buy it luh :p

My new flora prints mirror ;) i can finally have a mirror for school cause i keep lost it >_< pfft ~

Double sided tape i also got each packet at $2 as i doesn't have double eyelid so .. :(

I got all from SASA too ,all the purchase i got have discount too yeah!! <3 and i got back the crayon eyeliner from sasa brand i mention before my post :/ and the cyber colour eyebrow pencil i also mention that i lost it ,i brought back also having discount if u all want to know what the colour for the eyebrow is 6 gray brown ,the eyeliner is with sharpener type ,last but nto forget my secret magic double sided tape ,it's mae from korean ,i have not try it i have no idea when to try it too :X too lazy uh *O*O* i not sure how many inside so u can check with the staff there .

And let's end with the post with my pencil case ;) this is my recently pencil case as i'm too lazy to bring a big one bleh~ so i use my don't know what bag as my pencil case ,i use the bag to scare my friend got is very soft with some don't know what animal hair bleh fake one lah .. hahaha okay shall end here byebye! Remember to catch my blog more often kay?

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