Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Meidi-Ya Japanaese products

Hi Guys!! i know i have not been blogging since 2013 jan , here i'm back with my random stuff cause i couldn't find anything to blog so yeap ,not to worry i will also be blogging more often ,upcoming blog post will be about my feb favorite product .(Please be excited for it) HAHAHA~
Here a picture of the shop 

Look less than 5mins we got so much stuff ~ Actually like most of it is mine lah HAHAHHA
Japanese cup noodles! Actually i was shock by  the amount of cup noodles they have ,i got like 4  cup noodles , it's quite expensive though ... but i hope the cup noodles i brought are nice lo if not such a waste of money le ... 

Udon bowl noodle 
Here i got udon ,cup miso soup ,white grape canned drink ,my all time favorite milk tea ,chocolate strawbeey ball ,doriyaki ( hot cake) in different flavour custard cream ,chocolate ,maple cream ,cherry blossoms marshallows ,poifull jellybean it was on a discounted price like $1+ 

Udon bowl noodles ,i got the mini bowl udon because it's cute lols... but the big bowl is more worth it  ... >.< 
Cup miso soup ~ I also love miso soup alot >< (Okay i know no one will give  a shit)
I also got a clam miso soup i think only meidi-ya have it ,i seldom see it selling at other japanese shop lo ~  like daiso  ,other jap store i don't saw it .
Look inside still got the clam too o m g !!! :O
Deng deng deng here come my favorite milk tea (ROAW
Kirin milk tea is my all time favorite as i mention alot of time ,guess what i carry all the way from clarke quay untill jurong  1.5L x 2 ,500ml x 2 (HOW HEAVY IS THAT SIA) And my arm ,hand are aching damn badly ................... but no choice i want to drink de mah ~ Unless there's kind peoples who willing to help me carry back lo / deliver to my house hehehe ^.^ 
Body lotion from lemon grass house .
They have lots of lemon grass product ect .. lotion ,shower gel ... and other more check them out soon as they having a 20% off to all product :) Happy shopping there & i will link down they're facebook page below ,check them out ^_^

Look how cute this foldable chair but is really very exp $79 .90 + They got lots of design ect  .. rabbit , other more i can't really remmeber :x 
I so crazy for this hello kitty shampoo *_* it really smell very great like childhood shampoo??  like those baby shampoo  :x 
They got lots of differnt design but i not sure they smell isit the same but is very exp though ..

I shall end my meidi-ya japanese products here see you! 

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